Hazaribagh, Jharkhand

Principal’s Message  

DAV Public School Urimari is a growing school , having good infrastructure and well equipped laboratory and library. The aim is to support the process of growth of student at physical , mental, emotional and spiritual levels which direct to the fullest flowering of child’s personality. The main vision which permeates processes of human engineering which are in constant action in the multidimensional institution which develop students into self reliant , conscientious , bright, dynamic personalities blending  in them. The modernity with tradition , logic with  love , western  scientific knowledge with Eastern wisdom. My master passion is to build up a first rate institution with the help of my learned colleague with their ideals and dream.

Each and every child is the focus of the educational endeavors and growth is tended at cognitive , affective and connective levels . To make students humane, co-ordinated development of head, heart and hard is achieved by highly motivated, brilliant and ingenious team of teachers .Urimari is not more than a village and here the  development of ultraculture is herculean task .

But I hope entire CCL management as well as the leaders and local people help me to fulfill my temple of dream.

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D.A.V. Public School

Urimari Sayal Area, C.C.L.
Hazaribagh - 825311 JHARKHAND 
Phone No :  +91-8757408829
Email-Address : 
Website: www.davpsurimari.in

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